Monday, August 11, 2008

OOPSLA 2008 tutorial program

OOPSLA 2008 logoI wrote this post originally for the OOPLSA 2008 blog. However, to help reach a broad audience, I am taking the liberty to replicate it here. After all, I'll be giving my Web APIs on Rails: using Ruby on Rails to create Web APIs and Services Mashups tutorials at OOPSLA 2008 on Wednesday October 22nd. Sign up if you want a hands on, fast track, and fun overview of Ruby, Rails, Web APIs, and mashups.

While OOPSLA is well known for advancing the fields of computer science, software engineering, and their practical applications---after all, Java, Eclipse, Aspect-Oriented Programming, Design Patterns, Agile Methods, just to name a few, got their start at past OOPSLAs---another important aspect of the conference is the wide-range of tutorials available to novices and experts alike.

Continuing this tradition, OOPSLA 2008 boasts a tutorial program unlike any I have seen. There are more than 40 tutorials covering advance, new, novel, and mainstream topics such as Agile, Test-Driven Development, Domain-Specific Languages/Modeling, Microsoft's F#, advanced C++, Google's Guice, SOA, Apple's iPhone SDK, and Ruby on Rails, to name a few.

Tutorials are offered daily throughout the conference and are given many times by the creators of the technologies in question or by worldwide experts in the fields.

Don't miss learning some new skills, sharpening old ones, or get a head start on tomorrow's next big thing. Register today for OOPLSA and add a tutorial or two to your OOPSLA conference experience.

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