Thursday, July 5, 2007

Mashups'07 Workshop at ICSOC 2007 in Vienna, Austria

Stefan Tai, of IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Dave Nielsen of StrikeIron, Inc., and I are organizing Mashups'07 Workshop at ICSOC 2007 in Vienna, Austria on September 17, 2007. The Call for Papers and Demo is posted and the dealine is July 15th.

We have a great varied Program Committee composed of industry leaders (e.g., Google, Yahoo!, Adobe, and so on) as well as Academia (e.g., NC State, Stanford, and UC Berkeley) from both computing and business schools.

Finally, we are experimenting using a content mashup tool called Highlightr during this meeting for discussion, sharing, and mashing content.

Highlightr is an example application built using our Web 2.0 (situational applications) and Web APIs mashups research project at IBM Almaden called Swashup (built in Ruby and RoR). We also have a paper and demo of this project that we will present at ICSOC 2007 in September 2007 in Vienna.

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