The Association for Computing Machinery
Advancing computing as a science & profession
ORLANDO, FL - For Release September 23, 2009
2008 ACM Turing Award Winner Barbara Liskov to Present Opening Keynote Address
WHAT: OOPSLA Conference on Programming sponsored by ACM’s Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (SIGPLAN)
- Cloud Computing and Emerging Technologies
- Designing for the Cloud
- Implementation and Operational Implications for the Cloud
- Evaluating Cloud Computing Application Development Platforms
- PLUS - Onward! Out-of-the-box Thinking at the Frontiers of Computing
- PLUS – Dynamic Languages Symposium: Groovy, Ruby, JavaScript, Python
- PLUS – WikiSym: International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
- PLUS - Keynote Address: 2008 ACM Turing Award Recipient Barbara Liskov
WHEN: October 25 - 29 - Complimentary press registration (except meals) .
WHERE: Disney’s Contemporary resort 4600 N. World Dr. Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
WHO: October 27: Keynoter Turing Award winner Barbara Liskov on techniques for building big software systems more easily; Onward! Keynoter MIT Sloan School of Management’s Tom Malone; WikiSym Keynoter Wikimedia Foundation’s Brion Vibber on optimizing community performance; October 28: Jeannette Wing of Carnegie Mellon University and NSF’s CISE Directorate on foundations of trustworthy computing; Jet Propulsion Labs’ Gerard Holzmann on stealth use of formal methods in software development; October 29: Facebook’s Robert Johnson on lessons learned at Facebook.
WHY: OOPSLA 2009 presents leading-edge content from world-class practitioners, consultants, industry researchers, professors and students. Meet with members of the Gang of Four, the instigators of the Agile movement, and the creators of the Web’s hottest languages and frameworks. OOPSLA 2009 features a core group of innovators presenting keynote addresses, workshops, panel discussions, research papers, lightening talks, demos, posters, films and tutorials.
OOPSLA 2009 is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN and is independent of vendors or suppliers.
OOPSLA (Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications) is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, the Special Interest Group on Programming Languages In its 24th year, OOPSLA is the conference of choice for a broad range of professionals from recognized academics to undergraduate students, from industrial researchers to technical developers and managers, and from technology gurus to users. Additional information at
About ACM
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, is the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, uniting computing educators, researchers and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and address the field’s challenges. ACM strengthens the computing profession’s collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking.
NOTE: this is reprinted here from the ACM media advisory bulletin